
The Late Pie

I missed posting on Pi day this year. I've been busy all week writing a sermon for vespers this Friday and it slipped my mind till it was too late...
Oh well, a late pie is still a good pie.

So, here are some interesting random facts about pi.

Albert Einstein was born on pi Day (3/14/1879) in Ulm Wurttemberg, Germany.

By the year 1701 the first 100 digits of pi had been calculated.

Pi has been calculated to 10 trillion (1 million x 1 million x 10) digits as of October, 2011.

What do you get when you divide the circumference of a Jack-o-lantern by it's diameter? Pumpkin Pi...

So the last one isn't really a fact... :P

Anyway, hope you had a great pi day. I'll eat some pie in celebration as soon as I come across some.


Ali said...

Cool stats. Sorry we didn't have pie...

Glenda said...

i like your pie crumbs.
and i love your pumpkin pi joke.
happy day after pi day to you.

Maine Mom said...

What kind of pie do you think that was? lemon? pumpkin? It make my mouth water just thinking of it. I'm not a very good 'pi' maker, prefer crisps instead... but could try pi. Interesting .......

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